By Mandabeads, The Strengthening Trend of Beads and Crafts

Bandung - In the past two years, the trend of beaded decorations in various forms has become popular again among the public. Starting from bracelets, key chains, to 'bag charms', aka various decorations displayed to add aesthetics to bags. This bead trend has become increasingly viral after being widely used by fans of the famous American artist, Taylor Swift. When watching Taylor's concert, the audience was busy showing off and exchanging their friendship bracelets.
This trend was then captured by Maulidina Shafira Aurum (28) as inspiration in making similar handicrafts. Not bracelets, but key chains and bags for her nieces.
"I was curious, is it difficult to make something like that. Then I tried to make something similar but in the form of a hanger for my nephews as Eid THR, with zero knowledge," she told detikJabar, Saturday (1/2/2025).
Maul, her nickname, then uploaded her work on her close friend Instagram account. Unexpectedly, positive responses emerged.
Because she was not yet confident in selling, she made beaded crafts for free for a number of her friends. At that time, this woman from Bandung did not expect that the string of beads she strung would later help her through difficult phases.
"My husband said at that time, just sell it. Finally, I learned a lot while walking. Over time, I could differentiate materials, which beads were of good quality and which were not, my abilities continued to develop," she said.
Since then, Maul's days have been filled with beading. From simple smartphone hangers, various bag decorations, beads that form ribbons to stick on shoes, to filling small pots with a number of beaded flower stems.
In one day, on average, he can complete five to seven orders. The form of the craftwork depends on the customer's wishes. Each customer can order the desired shape and theme of the decoration. Once determined, Maul will then hunt for the materials needed even if he has to order abroad.
Until now, the majority of his orders are adult women. Maul's handicrafts are also often ordered by a number of Indonesian diaspora abroad. With the number of orders continuing to increase, a number of challenges arise that he faces.
"If you are too enthusiastic about doing a lot, sometimes it hurts your back and shoulders, whether you like it or not, you have to take a break first. Sometimes the small craft materials accidentally get mixed up, if that happens, they can't be used anymore. Sometimes what's also challenging is when there are customers who ask for their orders to be changed after they are finished," he explained.
In addition to selling online via Instagram and Whatsapp, since about two months ago Maul has also decided to sell offline by setting up a stall at the Gulma Space coffee shop, Bandung Regency. At the stall, he will work on customer orders on the spot, as well as selling stock of goods that he has made previously.
"I'm not tech-savvy, I don't understand the marketplace. So I prefer to just sell manually, via WA, Instagram and offline sales like now," he said.
Channeling Emotions, Knowing Your Identity
One year has passed since getting to know the world of beads, there is one thing that Maul is very grateful for. Not the amount of material from the results of selling, but the improvement in mental health.
The activity of beading which requires high concentration and repetition of movements was finally able to channel the excess energy that Maul had when he was in a manic phase. Bipolar, that's what the psychiatrist diagnosed him with. Working on bead decorations unexpectedly strengthened him to ward off negative things that came his way.
"I am very wasteful because of my mental health, when I'm 'flaring up' I like to shop for no reason. The bipolar diagnosis was there before I started this craft. It turned out that accidentally it could be a channel when I was in a manic phase," he explained.
When this phase appears, a bipolar sufferer can feel a flow of excess energy to the point of euphoria, a feeling of overflowing happiness. Maul took advantage of this situation to be able to complete more orders than usual.
"This phase actually really benefits me when making crafts. So I can explore more and be more enthusiastic. In a day, I can finish more orders. Finally, By Mandabeads can be a channel for my mental health situation," she explained.
This can ultimately be a balance when she is in a depressive phase. At that time, she said, it was difficult to gather the spirit so that orders could be completed immediately.
"But I still have to do it because it is my responsibility. From this activity, I finally found out that I am creative, can sell and am trusted by people to work on their orders. I feel like I have found my identity and am happier," she concluded.